jeudi 3 avril 2014

Europe and China reach an agreement on Wine importation

The Chinese and European wine-making organizations reached «a mutual agreement «to solve "disputes" related to an investigation antidumping started by Beijing in June, 2012.

The market of wine in China

The good news has just fallen and will be celebrated during the visit in France of president Xi Jinping: China ends about forty in which it held French wines for one year. After seven "rounds" of negotiations during the last four months, the wine professionals of the EU and China reached finally a draft agreement.
China had opened at the beginning of July an investigation antidumping on the wine which it imports of the European Union, in answer to the institution by the European Commission of temporary taxes on the Chinese photovoltaic panels. Planned to last on one year, the investigation also had to deal with subsidies in the wine-making sector in the EU and their impact on the production of wine in China.

Worried of avoiding a commercial war, the European Commission and the Chinese authorities had reached at the end of July a temporary agreement in the case of the solar energy. THE EU had so agreed to end taxes antidumping temporary, provided that the Chinese exporters of photovoltaic signs respect a minimum price.

China first market for european red wine

The exports of European wines in China represented 1billion dollars in 2013, which is nearly 70 % of the Chinese imports of wines.
This battle on the European wine had indeed been launched in June, 2013. A few weeks later, the Commission had given up these taxes, and had reached an amicable mutual agreement with the Chinese solar producers on their export sales. Beijing had not given up for all that its attack against the French wine, as to show that we do not play with its industrial interests.

The European producers thus made a commitment for coming two years to supply a technical support (techniques of vine growing, quality control of wine making) to the producers of Chinese wine. In exchange, the latter are supposed to help to promote more the culture of the wine on the rapidly growing Chinese market. According to a study Vinexpo published at the end of January, China became the first consumer of red wine to the world.

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