mardi 2 décembre 2014

How are wine sales in China?

How are wine sales in China?

While white wine and rose are growing in popularity, red vines are still the most popular grape in China, particularly Cabernet Sauvignon. Generally, red wine is more well-known, and considered healthier than local rice-based alcohols. One of the most important factors for its prominence in comparison to white wines is the Chinese cultural association of the colour red with good luck and wealth.

wines sales china

Imports have grown to nearly 20% of all wine consumption (up 7% from 6 years ago), with French wines comprising 48% of wine imports last year. Bordeaux is known as the wine of the political elite, but Australian and American wines have been gaining in market share; Californian wine, especially, seems to be growing in popularity. Foreign importers avoid selling anything in the low- to medium-price ranges, marketing only high-end vintages that go for anything between 300 and 1,500 yuan.

Local vintages dominate the market. Shandong, Yunnan and Ningxia provinces are producing some of the highest quality Chinese wines, and have even begun to appear on European shelves. These wines are fighting an uphill battle against stigma abroad, a fight the government is weighing into by labelling Changyu a “famous brand” or national product, but in China they are popular for their relatively low price and huge presence on store shelves. On average, local vintages between 20 and 80 yuan are the most popular.
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