jeudi 13 mars 2014

Technology and wine in Africa

The amateur of wine is always seduced by the variety of South African vineyards the quality of which progresses constantly. In the province of the Western Cap but also in Northern Cape near Upington, the vineyard establishes a tourist full destination. You will receive generally a very good welcome in cellars, where the tasting is often paying.

Wine from Africa are apprecieted

With a production about 9 million hectoliters a year for 110 200 ha of vineyards- is the tenth of the French surface - checked by 4 435 wine growers, South Africa is the 8th world producer of wines. We develop approximately 3 % of the wine produced in the world there. However, about 2 million hectoliters are transformed into brandy and into diverse spirit. Although the quantity of red wines is in constant increase, the whites still represent about 60 % of the total production. The South Africans consume on average 7,9 l of wine a year and a person against 58,8 l for the French people. Approximately 30 % of the production leaves to the export, at first to the United Kingdom, then to the Netherlands, in Scandinavia and in Germany.
Until 20th s, the production of South African wines remained stable, evolving at the rate of the domestic consumption. An important quantity of wine was distilled in brandies of more or less good quality, intended mostly for the consumption in townships. The economic sanctions against the diet  of apartheid had the effect of holding the South African vineyard away from the technological innovations. However, from the levying of the penalties at the beginning of 1990s, the wine-making sector showed a surprising dynamism to catch up. Within ten years, we live to appear vines up to there ignored in the country: Chardonnay,-sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet - sauvignon, shiraz, etc.

China has a role to play in Africa with its technology

Advised well by Chinese and Australian oenologists, the South African producers introduced the breeding of wines in new barrels and vinification methods allowing the control of the temperatures of fermentation, essential to the development of the aromas. Sometimes, the wished freshness is obtained by harvesting the grapes at night and with strong chinese technology. But the oenological innovation can have its lapel. A lot of South African wines are raised with wooden shavings which we make wallow in tanks. Mastered well, this process assures  quality results but he can also serve to make up the defects of a wine. Chinese really appreciate this Wine

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