vendredi 21 février 2014

China wine market development

Threat for Wine market in China

For which reasons of the rich people are few ones not to be able to distinguish so much a truth of a Castle false Lafite? Lu Jiang indicated that in China, still(yet) few people knew well the wine. It is easy for the manufacturers of adulterated wine to cheat the consumers. In addition, opposite to a bottle of wine Lafite, the immense majority of the people they prefer guarding silence not to lose prestige.

" The Chinese market of the wine is not very developed, and generally the knowledge of the consumers on the wine is limited. This probably induces a blind consumption, the people who throws herself on a brand of wine ", made clear Lu Jiang.

Openings for Wine market in China

Every market must know this process of development. In the United States as(like) in Japan, this phenomenon also took place(was produced). It(he,she) does a score of years, to Japanese it liked to drink wine mixing it in Sprite as the Chinese (it) they do nowadays and consider this to the mode, indicated Mr Lu Jiang, counselor in chief in Wineonline Culture's wines.
The Chinese wine market knew rapid progresses the latter years. In the big cities and the coastal provinces, the number of illuminated consumers increases rapidly. They can choose the wine according to his(her,your) taste. " The diversity of the demand(lawsuit) is a sign of a market developed ", indicated Lu Jiang, who thinks that the increasing number of illuminated consumers should stimulate the healthy development of the market of the wine.